Chapter 5: Party!
*We rejoin our heroes, arguing with a wizard*

Jerrica: No, you can't join us.

Travis: Why not?

Jerrica: Because, the last wizard we let join us tried to kill us.

Travis: That's racist. That's like saying all orcs are evil, vile, uneducated creatures. Speaking of which...

Jerrica: What?

Travis: *points behind Jerrica*

Jerrica: *turns around*

Orc: Hello!

Jerrica: Oh, god!

Dayn: *draws sword*

Travis: STOOOOOOP! That's my friend, Grond.

Dayn: You're friends with an orc?

Travis: He's a good guy. He's part of the reason I survived Rodney.

Grond: Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, The One Who Sees?

Travis: Not the time or place, Grond.

Grond: 'Kay.

Jerrica: What?

Travis: He's a priest.

Jerrica: I see.

Travis: He can heal AND use magic. Plus, he has a really cool wand. Show them, Grond!

Grond: *pulls a wand out of his pocket and zaps it*


Dayn: What does it do?

Grond: We have no idea. I just threw it together one day.

Jerrica: That's... interesting.

Grond: Indeed.

Travis: Well, now that we have THAT out of the way, let's go do whatever we were doing!

Jerrica: Why do you want to join us so badly?

Travis: We all came here to destroy chaos, why not work together and make this whole thing easier?

Grond: And, I can heal, Travis can heal, you can *air quotes* "heal", I'm pretty sure Dayn can heal.

Dayn: I've dabbled.

Travis: AAAAND! Two magic users is always a great idea.

Jerrica: What was *air quotes* this?

Travis: *ignoring Jerrica* Most importantly, I believe with the power of FRIENDSHIP, we can conquer anything! *highfives Grond*

Jerrica: Your words have inspired me. You can join us.

Dayn: What?

Grond: What?

Travis: What? You bought that shit?

Jerrica: No, but, you're probably going to badger us until we agree to let you join or kill you.

Dayn: And that's probably a chaotic act.

Jerrica: Probably.

Travis: Great! Now that we have THAT out of the way, we can continue our quest to...

Dayn: Save a little girl's puppy.

Travis: Fantastic.

Jerrica: One last thing.

Travis: Yes?

Jerrica: Could you PLEASE take off that blood-drenched robe?

Travis: No.

© 2018 Travis Prue