Chapter 121: The Quickenling!
*We rejoin our heroes*

Filk: *sidesteps Jerrica and runs after Travis*


Filk: NOOOOOO! >:D

Travis: *stops and casts acid ball*

Filk: *nowhere to be found*

Travis: hahahaha... *hits himself on the head with a hammer*

Filk: imnotder. >:D

Travis: I'm aware. X_x

Jerrica: I told you you're the only thing on this planet stupid enough to stand on your enemy's head.

Travis: Shut up.


Dayn+Jerrica+Travis: *turn to Filk*

Tell you guys what.
I'll make you a deal.
Leave now and you'll live.
I mean it, for real.


Travis: NEVAH! *casts meteo at Filk*

Dayn and Jerrica: NOOOOO!


Filk: *unburnt and standing on Travis' head* usukatdisgaym.

Dayn: We're not dead!

Travis: Why would you be?

Dayn: Well, everytime somebody casts meteo, we almost die. o.O

Travis: Only when Akki does it. Now, if you'll excuse me... *spontaneously combusts, setting Filk ablaze*

Filk: yuduthis2me? :C

Travis: Because I'm chaotic and I find it hilarious.

Filk: *stops drops and rolls really fast* Imashoufny >:C *teleports behind Travis and blasts him with glowing balls*

Travis: I'm immune to fire.

Filk: oaru? *hyperspeed curses all of Travis's stuff*

Travis: *uncurses all of his stuff* Whoop de doo. :V

Filk: welicndothis! >:D *pimpslaps Travis between 20000 and 20000000 times*

Travis: IT IS ON, BITCH! *drinks several potions of speed* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *runs around randomly, crashes into a wall* X_x

Dayn: Can't say I saw that coming.

Filk: heheheheheheurfrendizdum.

Jerrica: We're aware.

Filk: imakilunao.

Jerrica: Um, what?

Filk: *runs at Jerrica*

Jerrica: *sidesteps and throws a scalpel at Filk, which hits him in the arm*

Filk: wutdahe- *dodges Dayn's sword strike*

Dayn: Hi. *swings at Filk again*

Filk: *barely dodges* Datsnotfair! uweralmsotded!

Jerrica: I'm capable of casting cure wounds and have a psycho capable of distracting you on my team.

Filk: Yawellimstilfastrthanu! :<

Dayn: Not for long. It looks like you're starting to wear yourself out. :D

Filk: OHYEAH?! *drinks several potions of speed he stole from Travis* zzzzzzzz

Dayn: Well damn.

Filk: *hyperspeeds at Dayn*

Travis: *trips Filk* Bitch! :> *hyperspeeds and teleports around Filk using Slow Monster on him*

Filk: Yoooou'rrrrrre soooooooooo meeee-

Travis: I know. :) *stabs Filk in the chest with the rune covered trident*

Dayn: Good job Tr- are you eating him?

Travis: *with chunks of Filk in his mouth* mmm mm grmmm mrrg mmm mmmrg mmm

Jerrica: Don't talk with your mouth full.

Travis: *swallows the food* I said, "Yes, it'll make me faster" *takes another bite*

Dayn: But you're fast enough. Give me a bite.

Travis: Hahahha no.

Dayn: Bu-

Travis: I have to eat ALL of it. Also, you didn't share that blink dog with me.

Dayn: You eventually found one though.

Travis: Yes, and you'll eventually become a natural predator of all that is quickling.

Jerrica: What does that even mean?

Travis: I don't know. *hyperspeed eats the rest of Filk*

Dayn: I hope that was good. <_<

Travis: It was. ^_^

Voice: Live fast, die young.

Jerrica: What was that?

Travis: Just my lifespan being shortened by ten years. *drinks several potions of longevity* Nothing that can't be easily countered with simple alchemy.

Jerrica: umm.. what?

Travis: So what do we do now?

Dayn: We don't know.

Travis: Great. *picks up Filk's lute* Then I shall sing you a song! :D

Dayn: NOOOOOOO! *tries to run away, runs into a wall*

Travis: *looks at the lute* I'm definitely keeping this.

© 2010 Travis Prue