Chapter 5: Happy Ehs
Due to recent budget cuts and the state of the economy, the following chapter has been outsourced to Canada.

Dayn: Oot and aboot, eh?

Travis: Eh!

Jerrica: Moose meat, dontcha know, eh?

Akki: Eh.

Fonzie: *smashes through wall* EEEEYYYYYY! *elbows jukebox*

Jukebox: *plays generic 60's music*

Jerrica: *now has Fonzie's face* EEEEEEEYYYY!

Akki & Dayn: *also Fonzie-Faced* EEEEEYYYYYYY!

Penelope: *Fonzie'd* EEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY! *trampling Travis*

Travis' Corpse: eeeeeeeeeyyyy!


© 2011 Travis Prue
Happy Days, Canada, The Fonz, and the 60's are all © Garry Marshall Chuck Norris Saxton Hale The Fonz.
I love you, Canada.