Chapter 46: Skeletal Madness
*We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.*

HSK: Righteous tiara, man!

Travis: Ummm... thanks?

HSK: Come on in, man, the water's AWESOME!!!

*The piranhas turn around to face Travis, and give him an evil look*

Travis: Umm, I'll pass on that one...

HSK: Come on, man, don't be that way! Join the fun!

Travis: I'll pass!

HSK: I don't think I like the tone of your voice... dude... *summons Skeletal Warriors and casts Magic Missile at Travis, which barely misses.*

Travis: Woah...

HSK: You should have accepted my offer. You would have died a quick and painless death, dude. Now, I'm gonna make your death excruciatingly painful, man. Go, my loyal minions!

*The Skeletal Warriors run at Travis, who immediately disappears, causing them to stop.*

HSK: Dudes, where did he go?

Travis: *echoing* Invisibility is a pretty cool spell. *casts fire bolt at a row of Skeletal Warriors, burning them all to ashes*

HSK: DAMN YOU, DUDE! *summons more Skeletal Warriors* Let's see if you can handle dozens of my minions at once *summons even more Skeletal Warriors*

Travis: I have feeling that this is going to take some time... *invisibility wears off*

HSK: Dude... we... see... you...

Travis: Well, hell... *draws Rune-Covered-Trident* Looks like I'm gonna have to do things the hard way...

*Back to the other heroes*

Hawkslayer: 0.o

Dayn: 0.o

Jerrica: o.0

Dutchess: 0.0

Dayn: Travis... did... THAT!? *is staring through Terinyo... literally*

Rynt: Yes, he did... right after we got done rebuilding...

Hawkslayer: o.0 I... see... Citric demons...

Rynt: Huh?

Jerrica: Don't mind him, he's on pain medication.

Rynt: Oh... that explains a bit...

Dayn: I can't believe Travis was flying that fast.

Rynt: How was he flying anyway? Is he possessed by a demon or something?

Dayn: It's a spell. Or that's what he says...

Rynt: Interesting...

Dayn: So, do you have any idea where he might be?

Tywat Pare: He went thata way! *points west*

Dayn: Hey, Roundym- *knocked unconscious*

Rynt: Anyway, he was reported entering the Tomb of High Kings three days ago. Nobody who has gone in has ever come back... your friend may be dead...

*back to Travis*

Travis: *catches the Rune-Covered Trident the last Skeletal Warrior falls to pieces* I can do this all day, "dude".

HSK: Dude, are you, like, mocking me?!

Travis: Maybe I am. *throws the Rune-Covered Trident at the HSK, who side-steps*

HSK: HA! That's not gonna work on me!

Travis: Not, very observant, are you?

HSK: What do you mean, man?

Travis: You haven't noticed that the Rune-Covered Trident returns when thrown?

HSK: Oh sh-*turns around just in time to be impaled with the Rune-Covered Trident* ow... *turns around to face Travis again*

Travis: *walks up to the HSK and pulls the Rune-Covered Trident out of his chest* I'll be taking that.

HSK: You fought well... dude... *dies*

Travis: Same to you, man... *picks up the ring of the high kings* ... same to you. *goes to the staircase and ascends.* Now, I just gotta get out of here... which way was that staircase again?

Blue Dragon: That way *points southeast*

Travis: Than- waaaaait a minute.

Blue Dragon: Boo!

Travis: EEP! *teleports*

Blue Dragon: Bleh, I hate it when my dinner teleports away. *Turns around to see Travis* Luckily, this meal can't control teleportation. =D

Blink Dog: WOOF!

Travis: *impales the blink dog with the Rune-Covered Trident and quickly devours the corpse.* Bye! *teleports away*

Blue Dragon: #&@^%@!!@!#%%& BLINK DOGS!

Goblin Chieftain: You're gonna do WHAT do my mother!?

*two cavernous levels later*

Travis: *gasp* Finally... *pant* out... *wheeze* of the caverns...

Penguin: Butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt! 0.0

Travis: Not again...*sigh*

Dylan: YOU DIE YOU LITTLE BASTARD! *throws knives at the penguin*

Knux: Ugah alao *throws daggers at the penguin*

Lee: To eat, or not to eat... PIE! *throws a pie at himself*

Sliat: That's the most sane thing you've done today... *throws battle axes at the penguin*

Travis: O_O *is up against the wall with knives, daggers and battle axes making an outline of him* I really hate those guys...

*back to the other zany heroes*

Dayn: So, here we are... the Tomb of High Kings...

Jerrica: Yeah... I just wanna know why the hell those guys were throwing knives at the penguin.

Hawkslayer: Never mind that... we need to find and/or help Travis! 0.o

Dayn: You're right let's go.

Travis: Don't waste your time... *Walks out of the cave*

Dayn: Travis! You're alive!

Travis: Why wouldn't I be?

Jerrica: Rynt told us that nobody is ever seen again after entering the tomb...

Travis: Well, he was obviously wrong.

Dayn: I guess he was... so... did you get it?

Travis: Get what?

Dayn: The ring of the high kings!

Travis: Yeah, I did. *tosses it to Dayn*

Dayn: Good job! Now where do we go?

Travis: Where else? The Air Temple!

What new dangers will our heroes face in, and on their way to, The Air Temple? Find out next time!

© 2007 Travis Prue and jipostus