Chapter 54: A Battle-esque Battle!
*In the Dwarven Halls*

Dayn: There's too many of them. Fall back!

Travis: Negative.

Dayn: Why's that?

Travis: Observe back.

Dayn: *turns around to see the way blocked by many, many monsters.* Sh-

Censorshipman: *crashes through a wall and has a lazy eye whilst riding a jackal, laughing insanely, and clicking an empty staple gun* heHehEHeHeHEEheEHeHEEEH! *jumps off the jackal and explodes*

Akki: o_o ...

Jerrica: That aside, it looks like the only thing we can do is fight. Travis, can you control that chaos-esque power?

Travis: No.

Jerrica: Well, try. I'll buy you some time.

Travis: But, I don't know ho-

Jerrica: JUST DO IT!

Nike Shoe Salesman: =D *eaten by greater moloch*

Travis: O_o Okay, I'll try...

Jerrica: Good. *ninjas into the crowd of monsters*

Travis: Okay... how do I do this? *concentrates*

Dayn: Wern't you scared last time?

Travis: Yeah. Unfortunately, I've overcome my fear of molochs and moloch-esque creatures. *tries concentrating again*

Akki: (Ha! He'll never learn how to control it...) Dayn! Behind you-esque!

Dayn: *turns around in time to block a strike from a dark orc chieftan* Travis, hurry!

Travis: I CAN'T CONTROL THE GODDAMNED POWER! STOP PUSHING ME! *punches through the dark orc chieftan's chest*

Dayn: O_o What was that?!


Jerrica: Hu-

Travis: WHAT PART- *punches orc* - OF I CANNOT CON- *stabs a greater moloch with the rune covered trident* -TROL THIS POWER DO YOU NOT- *cuts a werewolf lord's head off with his bare hands* -UNDERSTAND!? *heavy panting*

Dayn: Calm down, you're gonna have a heart attack or something...

Travis: I AM CALM! *closes eyes and takes deep breaths*

Dayn: Jerrica, it's no use! Get back here!

Jerrica: I think I'm winning! :D

Dayn: Ugh, you're almost as messed up as Travis.

Travis: *opens eyes* HEY!

Dayn: =o Ummm, Travis...

Travis: I know I do crazy stuff, but I am not messed up!

Akki: Enough you... two? *stares at Travis*

Travis: What?

Akki: Your eyes... they're... purple...

Travis: Really? I noticed things were looking a bit odd...

Dayn: What do you mean.

Travis: I see alot of black and purple around the monsters. *watches Jerrica fight some monsters* Jerrica has gray around her. *turns to Dayn* You have white around you, and Akki has black around her.

Dayn: You must be seeing alignments. *fights off some monsters* See, I knew you could control the chaos-esque power.

Travis: Not really... I don't have that weird accent and I don't feel excessively powerful, and... *passes out*

Akki: *blasts a row of dark orcs* Must take alot of energy or something... (for a pathetic mortal that is)


Akki: SHUT UP! *is holding a staff*

Jerrica: They grow up so fast... *tackled by various monster-esque monsters*


Akki: *hits Dayn with the staff again* >_>

Dayn: What!?

Akki: You're being over dramatic!

Dayn: Sorry.

Jerrica: *is standing behind Dayn* BOO!

Dayn: EEEEEP! *jumps up and clings to the ceiling*

Jerrica: So, what happened to Travis?

Akki: Some kind of weird chaos-esque power which enables him to see alignments... or something. It was too much for him and he passed out. *fires several bolt spells into the crowd of monsters*

Jerrica: Dammit, Travis, now is not the time to be passing out! *kicks Travis*

Travis: ...

Jerrica: Well, that's all I can do!

Greater Moloch: RAWR! *lunges at Jerrica*

Jerrica: O_O *faints*

Dayn: *drops from the ceiling and stabs his sword into the moloch's head, killing it*

Akki: Looks like it's just the two of us.

Dayn: Yep... I hope the other two wake up soon...

*In Travis' mind*

Jackals: *spinning in circles* You spin me right round babe right round...

Travis: X_x

*>_> ummm... Jerrica's mind*

Jerrica: *huddled in a corner* I'm safe here... safe...

Ninja: BOO!


Ninja: SHUT UP!

Jerrica: o.o k.

Ninja: I am supposed to train you to be a better ninja-esque... person. However, seeing as you really don't have time and I'm just a mental delusion anyway, you should already know all this shtuff, ergo, I have no need to train you. Viola, class upgrade. Now get out! *kicks Jerrica out of her own mind*


Jerrica: *wakes up* That made sense... I think. *notices Dayn and Akki holding off monsters.* Hmmm... *ninjas around*

Dayn: *surrounded by monsters* We're dead...

Akki: Don't include me in your little plans...

Dayn: >_>

Jerrica: There are exactly 95 monsters out there. 9 of them are summoners.

Dayn: Ummm, thanks.

Jerrica: Don't thank me... yet. *moves at ludicrous speed and uppercuts a black wizard into the air, followed by kicking a dark elven wizard into the air as well.* This is awesome... *everything appears to be standing still* Hmmm... I got it! *ninjas over to Travis and takes the rune covered trident* I need to borrow this for a sec. Thanks! ^.^ *ninjas over to a greater moloch and stabs it many times at unseeable speeds. She then throws it at the black wizard and dark elven wizard before ninjaing back to Dayn, Travis, and Akki.*

*Time returns to normal and the (dead) greater moloch crashes into the wizards and various other creature-esque monsters, effectively killing them to death.

Dayn: Woah...

Akki: o.o

Jerrica: Now you can thank me. ^.~

What exactly is Jerrica's new power-esque? Will Travis recover from... whatever-esque happened to him? Will the writer ever stop adding "-esque" to everything? God I hope so...



© 2008 Travis Prue